Category: Mold Testing

Signs You May Have Mold in Your Home

Mold hiding behind wallpaper

Did you know that 50% of the households in the United States have mold issues? It can be hard to identify- sometimes it’s in highly visible areas, but other times it’s subtle. Below are three tips to help you identify if your home has mold. Odor Mold tends to have a few key scents that… Read more »

3 Common Areas Where Mold is Found in the Home

Mold at the base of a shower

At one time or another, we’ve all experienced issues with mold in the home. When you want to protect your property and family from this danger cropping up in the future, there are several key areas to monitor. We suggest regularly checking your shower and bathtub for mold, as well as bathroom ceilings, walls and… Read more »